The Customer Buying Cycle (CBC) is a progression of the consumer journey from the initial phase of identifying the need for a certain product/service to post-purchase. Understanding CBC is important for businesses wanting to provide the best outcome to prospects through the entire customer journey. Generally, it is a five-point trail consisting of Awareness, Research, […]
Holiday season is one of the busiest and most profitable time for majority of businesses. Everyone wants to celebrate and give each other meaningful gifts.
Live Chat has enabled businesses to instantly talk to online visitors and generate more leads while enhancing online visitor experience.
Businesses can no longer ignore social media as it is constantly being used to promote products, engage online customers and strengthen brand image.
For a business to thrive among competitors, there has to be collaboration among its core departments, namely marketing, sales and customer support. While the marketing department runs campaigns to attract customers and pitch ideas, the sales team closes the deal and support department works on retaining those customers.