live chat

Customer Feedback 4 Most Engaging Channels to Collect Online Customer Feedback

One of the biggest challenges for businesses is to collect customer feedback. Most customers find it a hassle to fill out surveys, since they include too many questions or are sometimes too confusing. What is the best way to gather feedback online in order to understand what your customers want? Using new channels and techniques […]

24 hour Customer Support Why Businesses Need to Offer 24/7 Customer Support

The rapid dissemination of information has led to more informed customers, which has heightened the level of expectation they have from businesses. In order to present yourself as a customer-centric organization, you need to understand that great customer service and support are not only provided within business hours. Nowadays, what truly matters is your ability […]

involve liveadmins new feature Here’s how ‘Involve’, an innovative Live Chat feature can benefit your business

With the rapid increase in e-commerce websites and online retailers, having Live Chat Service on your website has become a prerequisite. Imagine thousands of visitors checking out products or services on your website on a daily basis, and being able to instantly talk to an online representative, getting answers to their questions right there and […]

proactive live chat Benefits of Proactive Live Chat Service

Proactive live chat service enables your business to instantly reach out and connect with website visitors in an efficient manner. It facilitates real time communication enabling companies to build stronger client relationships, generate more leads and increase sales. Companies can also use proactive chat to personalize the service experience for their online customers. This shows […]

Customer Support benefit for business How Small Businesses can benefit from Live Chat Software

Small businesses, especially ones which sell their products and services online, should install live chat software to boost conversion rates, increase brand awareness, and develop customer loyalty and retention. Here are some benefits of installing live chat software on your website.   Live Chat is Cost Efficient Since small businesses do not have the financial […]