A striking and unique marketing idea can turn out to be a key differentiator for the success of your business. While there are a number of ways to promote your business, direct marketing is a cost efficient and more appealing way to pitch your product/service. According to a research on Direct Mail Marketing, 92% of […]
Owners of new businesses have a lot to worry about, from launching their products innovatively to exceeding customers’ expectations, there are many challenges that they have to face. But the most difficult challenge is to earn a distinctive place among the competitors. For new businesses the only way to survive in a competitive business environment […]
The success of a new business venture solely depends upon understanding your potential customers’ buying behavior and the market trends. Even if you are running a topnotch brand, before launching a new project you need to conduct research to see how promising it seems to your prospective customers. Research also gives you an opportunity to […]
Businesses today are turning towards innovative ways to improve customer experience. Companies are increasingly utilizing multiple channels to interact and communicate with customers. Being easily accessible via smartphones has become a priority for businesses. According to a research by GlobalWebIndex across 32 countries, it was revealed that 80% of all online adults now have a […]
While you have put in a lot of money, energy and resources designing your product, how can it grab the attention of your potential customers who have a number of options? Developing a unique selling proposition for your product would give you an edge over your competitors; it would compel your prospective customers to buy […]