Research shows that attracting new customers is far more expensive than retaining an existing one. So what does it take for a business to keep its customers loyal while creating opportunities for generating further revenue? There are several factors that should be taken into consideration. For instance; quality of products, innovation, consistency in service experience, […]
Every business needs to understand the importance of offering consistent service. This will make customers feel that a business is reliable and a long term relationship can be built. A study by McKinsey & Company has found that a consistent customer experience across the entire customer journey will increase customer satisfaction, build trust and boost loyalty. Companies […]
Offering quality customer service is crucial to the long term success of a business. Providing customers with a memorable experience will help improve brand loyalty and create positive word of mouth.
Live chat is essential for businesses to interact with online customers in real-time. It is like the front desk for a company in a digital environment.
Customer retention is a primary goal for all businesses. With the increasing cost of customer acquisition, businesses need to focus more on retaining current clients.