For a business to thrive among competitors, there has to be collaboration among its core departments, namely marketing, sales and customer support. While the marketing department runs campaigns to attract customers and pitch ideas, the sales team closes the deal and support department works on retaining those customers. Their common goal is to attain, retain customers and improve their experience. This can be conveniently acquired by holding cross-team training’s, conducting company wide seminars and encouraging collaboration. It is important that employees take part in inter-team and intra-team activities that elevate their knowledge about the business as a whole. After this insight, each team will be able to work in tune with prerequisites of their tasks along with preceding follow-ups that involve other departments too. Here are a few reasons why these departments need to work together.
It is crucial for every business to interlink marketing, sales and support departments for long term benefit of the business. All of them should have an understanding of what others are working on and how they proceed with a certain task. This understanding will help in streamlining all company procedures as every individual department will have knowledge of how a task will be handled by others. Marketing will be able to assess how their efforts will be realized into a sale by the sales team. Likewise, the sales team will know how client queries will be handled by the support team after purchase of product or service has been made. Similarly, the support team will have the ability to market and sell products to existing as well as new customers who interact with them through calls, emails or live chat for business.
A significant benefit of collaboration among these three departments results in better customer care. Starting from advertising products or service to selling it and providing necessary follow-up; customers get a consistent experience. Every step of business that a customer has to go through seems like being part of a singular scheme instead of being treated differently and on a separate note by every department. This aids in developing trust on a personal level with new and existing clients. This will make customers want to come back to a business.
Every business sets financial goals and sees itself achieving a reputable standing in their line of trade. These desired results can be accomplished by making the marketing, sales and support departments work in coherence. Together, the three teams can reach business goals quickly by making sure that there is flexibility in all company processes. Their collective endeavor will provide the business with opportunities to grow. As time progresses, all teams merge their resources to bring about the best customer experience.