More and more businesses are turning to live chat for offering customer support since it enables them to instantly connect with online visitors. Live Chat offers a convenient and easy way for businesses to communicate and is available to customers on-the-go on their mobile devices. Every session handled successfully by chat agents will lay the foundation for a meaningful relationship with online visitors. If they end the chat with a satisfactory solution, online customers will be more inclined towards becoming loyal to the business because of the trust developed. Here are a few tips on how to use live chat for winning over customers!
Much like brick and mortar stores, your live chat agents are the front line of your online store. They should be efficiently trained to handle all sorts of customer queries. In order to perform their best, they should have knowledge about all the products and services you are offering. Their first and foremost priority should be the skill to relate to visitors’ needs and emotions. For this, they should be able to think like a customer and offer instant help and solutions. All efforts should be focused on providing every visitor a personalized experience in real time.
Most online visitors will ask for information about the product or service they are interested in. This is the best opportunity for any chat agent to build a connection with a visitor. Mostly, customers seek a personal opinion before spending their money. Genuine advice and solutions provided by the agent is likely to convince a visitor.If the visitors’ queries and concerns are addressed properly they are likely to leave satisfied and would want to return for business in the future.
Being proactive is essential for gaining customer loyalty through live chat. It is necessary that your business provides round the clock live help. Any visitor that comes your way will appreciate it. Instead of automated greetings, opt for personalized welcome messages, especially on the pages where shopping cart abandonment is frequent. Train your agents with the right communication skills. Their responses should be personalized, precise and relevant. They should make sure every visitor is facilitated in the best possible manner.
All businesses consider feedback as a valuable asset for their growth and stability. The support team should always ask for it when concluding a chat session. Not only will this provide quantifiable data for the business, but it will also make online customers feel valued. Live chat software provides an integrated feedback system which enables customers to rate the chat service. Make sure online customers are engaged to give you feedback, it will help you in understanding areas that require improvement.