For any business, getting new customers is as important as retaining old ones. Think about the number of people who visit your website on a daily basis. More than half of them are likely to never come back or try to interact with you regarding your products and services. This is why it is imperative to try and capture those potential customers, by applying creative lead generating tactics.
Here are some tips to generate online leads for your business.
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn are the most widely used social media platforms with a burgeoning number of global users. Some of the methods through which businesses reach out and directly engage with customers on social media include paid advertisements, contests, creative campaigns, and live video feeds.
Paid advertisement on social media is a great way to not only increase the traffic to your social media profiles and website, but also to quickly generate viable leads. With brief and catchy text along with a visually appealing picture, targeted advertisement can lead prospective customers to click on your ad and lead them to your profile or website, where they can get more information, download material and then make a purchase.
Similarly, creating highly appealing content and promoting it on social media allows users to interact with businesses and find out more about their products and services.
More and more online businesses are integrating live chat to their websites. This is an effective way to not only provide online customer support but also to generate more leads for your business. The main benefit of live chat service is the direct interaction that a business can have with its potential customers. It also provides businesses with valuable data on potential customers, feedback which the business can use to make their marketing campaigns better, and streamline their lead generation process.
Live chat solutions is one of the best ways for businesses to interact with their online visitors in real time in a personalized manner. When an online visitor is browsing through the website and has any question to ask, that visitor can then directly get an answer by chatting with an agent, which enhances the overall experience for the visitor.
Some of the most widely used content based methods to generate leads online include White Papers, eBooks, research reports, guides, newsletters, blogs and email marketing.
Content marketing is widely used by businesses to create online presence and increase visibility and brand awareness for their products and services. With enough quality content online, a business has a greater chance of generating and securing leads, while filtering out partially interested customers. Before creating content for your business, make sure you understand your audience and their needs, this will help you create relevant content.